About Us


Schmitz Industrievertretungen distributes special products which will be needed as raw-materials for the producti on of cables.

As a sales agency, Herbert Schmitz started in 1989 with the distribution of of Shieldingtapes and Cableyarns. Over the years the range of special products increased – always with focus for the producti on of cables.
In 2012, with entrance into the company of son Christopher, a new type of business ownership (oHG) was established. With the relocation into new offices in Erft stadt, close to Cologne City, an own warehouse was available.
The focus of the organizati on is on working with small and medium-sized manufacturing companies from Germany and abroad, that have a focus on products in their respective fields, which will be needed in the cable industry. But even large companies with an extensive range of products, are working together with Schmitz Industrievertretungen, when it comes to sales of specific  products for the cable producing industry.
From foils, tapes, yarns, wires, FRP- strength members, up to special compounds and tools for machinery – together with our partners we cover an extensive product portfolio in cable materials for the needs in the production of cables.
We work together with leading manufacturers from Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Turkey Great Britain and China and take over their sales on the Mid-European markets.



To be the preferred contact and supplier for our customers in any demands of special cable materials.



Our core business is the sale of special cable material products, needed for manufacturing cables of all kinds.
On one hand side we are a sales-service provider to our internati onal partners and suppliers to whom we offer our knowledge of the market for Germany and Middle-Europe.
We work with selected manufacturers. Trust, reliability, quality and delivery service are the factors that characterize our partnerships.

On the other hand side, there are our customers, with whom we want to transact business on an equal footing.
The sati sfaction of our customers is our primary goal.